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Oakland, CA, United States

Friday, July 3, 2009

Even though I don't want to perpetuate this thing...

... how fucking disgusting is Mark Sanford? I was actually worried for this pervert's safety not too long ago. It honestly didn't bother me that much that he had an affair, it's more that he couldn't fuck an Argentinian and govern at the same time. Now he's talking about some "ultimate line" that he may or may not have crossed with a handful of other women, and the nausea begins. Is this seriously the shit I gotta hear about? But the thing that really pissed me off was when he started referring to his mistress as his soulmate and describing some cheesy love story. Can you imagine how that must make his wife feel? What an asshole. The only silver lining will come when that wise Latina rips his beating heart out of his chest and eats it for breakfast. She might make off with some of his money, too. It's just a matter of time...

Write to this jerk like I did, and tell him America has more important things to worry about than his indiscretions.

The Community Health Insurance Option

So, the Senators put a plan together. Here's the link to their little marketing byte:

The Community Health Insurance Option

This plan would be federally administrated. On the surface, it appears to be a centralized, simple enough plan. Of course it is just in its infant stages. And the golden question, how much will it cost? I think what we all want to know is, how much will it cost me. Will my taxes go up, how much, will I be eligible, what's the premium? If the Community Health Insurance Option really is a centrally administrated, more affordable, all-inclusive (or almost all-inclusive) plan, than glory, glory! Time to read the fine print. Watch out for those naysayers in Congress that want to water this thing down!